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關於baby name boy的評價, Trasher , Bangkok

ปาร์ตี้ปลายเดือนนี้ ! ขอมาเป็นชะนี hip hop R&B Rihanna Beyonce เต้นเด้งตูดยั่วเย่า งานนี้ต้อนรับกระ...

關於baby boy name的評價, Trasher , Bangkok

ปาร์ตี้ปลายเดือนนี้ ! ขอมาเป็นชะนี hip hop R&B Rihanna Beyonce เต้นเด้งตูดยั่วเย่า งานนี้ต้อนรับกระ...

從嬰兒開始,小濟雲和小子然就有一個自己的故事。 「從前,有一個小孩名叫小濟雲,他和他的弟弟小子然,爸爸媽媽,還有baby姐姐一起住在森林裡的一間小木屋。 這間小木屋是爸爸用下大雨時被雷公公劈下來的大樹所蓋的。 他們每天早晨醒來,就會來到廚房,和媽媽說:媽媽,我們要喝草莓奶奶。 於是媽媽就和他們一起到後院採新鮮的草莓。 這些媽媽親手種的草莓長得又大又紅,因為小濟雲和小子然每天都跟它們説:我愛你........。」 這個故事一直隨著他們成長而有些不一樣,因為他們會開始希望給故事裡加入一些其他的角色和情節,但有些角色是永遠不變的。 那就是小濟雲,小子然,爸爸媽媽,baby姐姐,還有他們每天喝完草莓奶奶後,手牽手走進森林去找的大樹伯伯。 今天我們終於遇見了故事裡的那棵大樹伯伯,終於真的爬上大樹伯伯的身上玩樂了。 Since there were little babies, Xiao Zi Yun and Xiao Zi Ran have their very own story. “Once upon a time, there was a little boy whose name is Xiao Zi Yun. He lives with his brother Xiao Zi Ran, father, mother and his older sister, Baby jie jie in a small wooden cabin in the forest. The wooden cabin is built by their father using a big tree where the wood was chopped down by The Thunder God when it rained heavily. Every morning, when they wake up, they will go to the kitchen and say to their mother : “Mama, We want to drink strawberry milk” and their mother would take them both to the backyard to pick fresh strawberries. These strawberries grown by mother are both big and red because Xiao Zi Yun and Xiao Zi Ran would say “I Love You” to them everyday…” The story will slowly begin to be different as they both grow because they will start to wish to add in other elements such as new characters and plots to it. However, there are some characters which will never change which are Xiao Zi Yun, Xiao Zi Ran, father, mother and Baby Jie Jie. Also, Uncle Big Tree that they will go and find in the forest, hand-in-hand after drinking their strawberry milk. Today, we have finally met up with Uncle Big Tree in the story and we have finally climbed up on Uncle Big Tree's big body to play around. #我的小日子

從嬰兒開始,小濟雲和小子然就有一個自己的故事。 「從前,有一個小孩名叫小濟雲,他和他的弟弟小子然,爸...